Now that the weather outside is growing colder each day, the time for enjoying outdoor nudity and all the antics that offers is now practically over. For some bare practitioners (naturists, nudists) that severely limits the chances of social nudity (being naked in nature with others). In the season of late Autumn and Winter, even everyday routines such as taking a bath has an entirely different perspective when done with others! They're committed to the practice of socialization no matter what the circumstances my be. They post notices - such as the one above - in order to get the attention of others who are of a similar persuasion. We all are social as humans, whether we're wearing clothing or not!
For those who don't have a problem being alone, masturbation ("jacking-off" or stroking oneself) is an excellent opportunity to eradicate those frustrated energies we're all endowed with! No matter if we're solo or in a group, masturbation is an action that we've all taken at one time or another to relieve tension and enjoy being a man!
Mutual masturbation (one or more involved) is a perfect opportunity to initiate intimacy with others and is a terrific way to introduce an acquaintance to the freedom and joys of nudity! It's also a wonderful way to become familiar with another's manhood! It encourages the sharing of more than just an erect cock! Stroke all you want, it's a long haul until outdoor freedom returns!Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!Rashad Keith Cuffee
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