Versatility Matters

Versatility Matters
Take it now, next time, give it back! This blog publishes here on Wednesdays and other days as necessary.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Locker Room Fun

There's quite a lot that can be said about using a changing room/locker room in a local gymnasium or weight room. An area that encourages the stripping off of one's clothing and refreshing oneself in a communal shower offers innumerable opportunities for some interesting occasions!  

Of course, those "interesting occasions" can be construed to mean openly flirtatious or a basic excuse to satisfy curiosity.

And a way to meet others, like ourselves, who enjoy the company, friendship and romance of men the same as we are: bisexual or same gender loving (gay)!

Many men that I know constantly refuse to even go into the changing room/locker room at their local gym because they don't want to be seen naked by others. I often think to myself: Why deny yourself the chance to see other men strictly nude?

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Keith Cuffee

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pubic Glimpses!

Men daring to share with all of us a tantalizing glimpse of their grand and glorious pubic hair!

Never a dull moment as far as most of us are concerned!

And proof positive that most of us appreciate the fact that not everyone shaves or alters their pubic hair! 

So thank you men for your pride in showing us some of your very masculine attributes! 

And for leaving us with another reason for our sensual desire and longing to view even more of you!

The next time, perhaps without the hint of clothing! 

Keep that hair...

Growing down there! 

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Keith Cuffee

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Enthused and Excited Bottom-Man!

Let's face it, top-men, the ones with big dicks who fuck our asses with dynamic energy, are always in demand by those of us who enjoy being fucked or penetrated! And why not? It is great to offer our willing and hungry asses to those who are able to delight us so!

But as bottom-men, those of us who love to be penetrated through our willing anal hole, we need to work and maintain our skills of demonstrating the level of satisfaction that our buttocks attain from a very sizable and thrilling erect penis! Excited body language generates a very unmistakable message to the man who's giving us his man-muscle (erection)! 

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Keith Cuffee

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Why Strip? Why Not!

Nudity is a matter of personal choice - nothing more and absolutely nothing less. Living in our current world, all of us know for a fact that clothing is often not only an option but also a legal requirement. But that is only true when we are out in public! Within our own environment, we are free to be as clothes free as we like! 

For those of us who prefer to be bare and uncovered by cumbersome and restrictive garments, the logo above expresses our innermost feelings! Wearing clothing not only sucks, it also denies us the relief and satisfaction that we enjoy once our erect manhoods are sucked!

Besides, freeing our bodies of clothes allows us the limitless satisfaction of experiencing the beauty and magnificence of sharing our naked body with the nude body of our physical partner! 

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Keith Cuffee

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Booty Bounty!

For us men who prefer to bottom (get fucked, get penetrated by another man's erection, get thrusted) I know for a fact that I enjoy all the admiration and attention my buttocks receive from my soon-to-be-top-man! The slaps may not visibly appear to be an admirable trait - but trust me! I'm a proud bottom-man and once your get the feel for it, the action gives innumerable rewards! 

I also can share with everyone the joys and thrills that you experience when your top-man starts to rim your willing booty (ass, buttocks)! His tongue exploring inside and teasing your anal cavity tantalizes your sexual desires and stimulates your ass to want more inside! 

The moment of expectation and glory arrives when he inserts his generous erection inside your sphincter hole and begins to thrust inside you! This feeling may initially present a small amount of discomfort that is soon overwhelmed by a sense of pleasure and satisfaction! "Fuck me harder, top-man!" 

In my very humble opinion, there is just no greater sexual fulfillment than having my vulnerable ass thoroughly pounded by my enthusiastic top-man! My feeling? "Give me all you got, man!"

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Keith Cuffee

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Veteran's Day Honor!

Monday, November 11, 2019, is the Veteran's Day holiday! Let's all give ample admiration and appreciation to all of those brave souls who are serving in our country's armed forces! 

Happy Veteran's Day! 

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Keith Cuffee

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Serious Stroking: Tease To Please!

For a couple of years, I frequented a public park that was infamous as a bisexual and gay men's cruising ground (hook up area). On early Sunday mornings during the late Spring, Summer and early Autumn seasons, whenever you walked past a car it was usually possible to seeing a man stroking his fine and fully erect cock! That's the main reason they drove to the place to begin with!  

Most guys would sit inside their vehicle, remove (completely) their pants or shorts and stroke themselves. Me, I would always stroll through the parking lot while on my way to the trail that led the way into the GSA (gay sex area). Many times I would be tempted and surrender myself to some of these "vehicle strokers!" Why not take full advantage of the situation, right?

After all, the main reason I drove to the park was to get my ass filled with a nice thick erection! 

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Keith Cuffee


Sunday, November 3, 2019

Both His Hands Are Full!

The dude on the right side, the white one, definitely needs both of hands in order to fully appreciate and admire the enormous erection of his partner! Who's to say that we don't all envy a guy with his hands full of so much fun, pleasure and reward!

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Keith Cuffee