Versatility Matters

Versatility Matters
Take it now, next time, give it back! This blog publishes here on Wednesdays and other days as necessary.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Coming Out Day, 2020!

Today, October 11, annually, is "Coming Out of the Closet Day!" 

The original concept for "Coming Out Day" was for the often closeted bisexual, gay and lesbian persons to take a public stand and acknowledge their attraction and character. The more people who joined this movement, the less dramatic it became. Today, almost 50 years later, the day is now another day for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer (GLBTQ) community to celebrate their uniqueness within our society! 

In honor of this truly remarkable occasion, openly gay celebrity, Beaux Banks, in 2018, offered a unforgettable photographic tribute to everyone who enjoyed the freedom of being themselves in our modern world.  

Let us all, each and every one, enjoy a day of confidence, pride and jubilation in being ourselves and in the union of our community, family and friends! 

The bubbles illustrate the joy that we all feel when we are able to be our true and honest selves without any regret or reproach! 

One aspect of Beaux Banks' pictorial commemoration of this fabulous day in appearing totally bare and without shame in his salutation! Perfect for this event and this celebration! 

 Not only are we able to Come Out of the closet regarding our sexual orientation - we can also Come Out and be confident and proud of being bare, clothes-free, naked and nude (whichever label suits us the best)! Come Out as a open bare practitioner (naturist/nudist)!

None of us need to feel any concern, embarrassment, guilt, or shame in our nakedness. As humans, we are all born naked, without any clothing or covering! Concealing our natural selves is a "learned behavior" that is forced upon us - it is not an instinct!    

Coming Out Day is a reminder that being ourselves is a birthright that each and every one of us has! There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do to change any of us. We are all free to be and do us!  

We can all dance to our success, we can all dance to our freedom, we can dance to our greatness and we can all dance with the joy in being our own individual, special and unique selves! Dance and celebrate being entirely you today! A GLBTQ bare practitioner! 

Thank you, Beaux Banks, for helping to remind us all that we have a momentous reason to celebrate! Naked kisses, nude hugs and much GLBTQ love back to you!

Versatility matters, guys! Be cool!

Rashad Keith Cuffee

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